


Wibiya 工具栏目前不兼容于手机浏览器

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 06:29 PM PST

Wibiya 工具栏不仅丰富了网页内容,而且也还提高了网页的粘性。有图为证:

Wibiya 工具栏

从图可以看出,Wibiya 工具栏不仅仅是一个装饰品,而且还备受亲睐,因为它的每一项功能都有人喜欢,其中最多人喜欢的是 "Twitter 面板",最少人喜欢的是 "搜索"。

精博的 Wibiya 工具栏之前是不会出现于手机浏览器上的,但是前几天突然就出现了,并且乱得一塌糊涂:

Wibiya 工具栏

不仅是精品博客,Wibiya 自己的网站在手机浏览器上也是一塌糊涂:

Wibiya 工具栏

于是,我写信给 Wibiya 工具栏的 CEO Dror Ceder,不过目前尚未收到回复,所以只好把精博上的 Wibiya 工具栏给卸载了。感觉就和当初卸载 YARPP 那样——遗憾。然而,YARPP 的替代品有 LinkWithin 之类,但 Wibiya 可以用什么来替代呢?我不知道。或许 Wibiya 也会和 YARPP 那样,下次更新的时候能够解决这个问题。

不过卸载 Wibiya 工具栏后的一个好处是,网页的加载速度快了一点。


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  1. 中文版 Wibiya 工具栏及其介绍
  2. 再说 LinkWithin
  3. 告别 WordPress 插件 LinkWithin

Top 10 Web Hosts Listed by Web Hosting Rating

Posted: 01 Nov 2009 06:29 PM PST

In order to run an independent blog or website, we have to get a domain name and a web hosting first.

As a domain name, we hope it be short, meaningful, and easy to remember, right? And as a web hosting, we hope it have a long up time, a large bandwidth, and a fast speed, right? It is possible to think of a good domain name, but it is impossible to think of a good web hosting, since you need to choose one from the exist hosting websites, but how to know which web host is the best?

Since it is hard to check out all the exist web hosting sites, referring to some reviews against the web hosting should be a good choice.

WebHostingRating.com has tested a few web hosting providers and make a best web hosting list.

Web Hosting Rating

According to the list, we can find out that the NO.1 web hosting site is InMotion Hosting, which price is $6.95 per month, not the most expensive, nor the cheapest. And the last one is Globat, which price is $4.44 per month, cheaper than InMotion Hosting.

Unlike other hosting review website, WebHostingRating.com not only list the top 10 web hosts according to their detailed reviews, but also listed the best web hosting awards. For example, InMotion Hosting is the best Business Web Hosting, and Globat is the best Blog Web Hosting.

A good website hosting also depends on what kind of website you are running and how much money you would like to pay. So, if you run a big business website, Inmotion Hosting may be a good choice. If you have a WordPress blog, Globat may be a nice choice. If you want a cheapest but reliable hosting, then Web Hosting Pad may be the right choice. For more advice about how to choose a good web hosting, you can refer to the web hosting guide.


© 逛逛精品博客,看看博客精品。| 转载请遵循"署名-非商业性使用"的创作共用协议。


  1. The Cheapest Web Hosting Is the Best
  2. Review the best 10 web hosting sites
  3. How about Paying for WordPress Blog Design?

